The long way to Laos

After almost a week in Chiang Mai, me and Per headed up to Laos. The long journey began on sunday at noon when we we’re packed in a mini bus that took us to the border of Laos. That was one of the most painfull experiences my ass have had so far during my travelling. I had to sit in front, more or less above the engine, the seat was hard as I do not know what and I had no where to rest my head. And of course, the journey takes much more time than they tell you that it will!

Anyways we reached the border city to Laos and spent one night there. Due to the horrible ride there we took an early night, and also since we had to get up and away by nine we thought that a good nights sleep would be a good idea 🙂

So up up and away to get some more stamps in our passports before taking a small long tail boat 50 m across the river and in to Laos. Once there and once we fixed our visas upon arrival, which is now avaliable for 35 dollars for 30 days, the slow boat that would take us down the mekong river to Luang Prabang was waiting for us. I think we were some 60 people in the boat…CROWDED…but because I am so smart (!?!) we took a sit in the front where you can just sit or sleep on the floor if you feel the urge to. And I must say I am glad we did, cause the wooden seats or benches that you sit on in the back in painfull to your body, in particular your ass, when the ride is due to be more than 6 hours!

Floating down the mekong was awesome!!! The scenery is absolutely fantastic, and if you have a beer and a good friend to share it with you’re up for some memorable moments 🙂 By night we reached a small village to stay over night before continuing the journey down the mekong. Had some good indian food (all sentimental thinking about the Punjabi place in KL) and then off to bed early again…zzz…

And up up and away again! Unfortunately we had to change boats to day so we did not succeed in getting the good spot in the front. My ass has been stucked to a wooden bench for some 7 or 8 hours today, it hurts…as hell…but amazingly enough I managed to get some sleep! Per did not though. He’s been reading the whole way to day and seemed quite satisfied with the whole thing, but we were both very happy to reach Luang Prabang late in the afternoon though. Got us a nice room with a soft bed (YES! IT IS SOFT!!!) and a river view for only 6 dollars a night, what a bargain! So now we are all happy, stuffed after a good dinner and soon off to bed. The city is waiting to be discovered by us tomorrow 🙂

I hope you are all ok, do know that I think about you a lot!

With love, T.

Till alla mina kara i Sverige: Tro det eller ej, men av alla saker jag ar sugen pa just nu sa ar det surstromming…kanske du kan smuggla in lite till mig Madde? Bara en vecka tills du ar i Thailand nu! Hehe 😉

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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