Way up north

Chiang Mai…way up north…so cool and fresh compared to the busy life and the heat in Bangkok. Stepping off the bus at 7 in the morning on monday and inhaling the cold air almost felt like coming home 🙂

We have not done much these last few days, just been hanging out with Kim and Samuel, two guys from Finland. Mainly walking around town, chilling out, drinking fruit shakes, coffe, beers, eating good thai food, smoking to much cigarettes…enjoying life to the max I would say. Like a lazy dogs life, don’t have to worrie about nothing…ahhh… 😀

Looks like I will be staying up here for a while as I am about to sign up for a thai massage course that starts off next monday. And no, I wont be giving any free massages when I get back home, haha 😉

After Chiang Mai I have some kind of plan to get my ass in to Laos, I do not want to miss out on Luang Prabang! But as I said in my last blog anything could happen and everything is happening so…

Anyways, I am all good as always (ok, not always but most of the time). Miss you and love you all!

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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