Change of plans: the plan is to have no plan

It takes some time to realize that life over here does not work out the way you planned it. Takes sometime to switch mode in to making no plans at all and just go with the flow. Always meetig people, always something going on.

So we are back in Bangkok after some lazy days and good parties in Koh Samet. Met some really nice people there which I hope to see again during my travel 🙂 Unfortunately Jakob lost his wallet with both his credit cards and all his money and Per lost his camera while we were there. No worries for Per though, but Jakob has to figure out how to fix a new card and where to send it. Looks like he his heading down to Pattaya tomorrow and me and Per will most likely go up to Chiang Mai. The plan yesterday was to get down to Koh Tao and have another lazy week at the beach but it did not quite work out due to the circumstances mentioned above. And I think it will be a good idea to head up north now and then go in to Laos and we’ll just see what happens. The only thing I know for sure is that I’ll be back in Thailand on the 19th of December. And hopefully new years will be spent at the small beach Ao Leuk in Koh Tao. But yeah, as I said: PLANS ARE USELESS HERE 😀

So today it’s saturday and I do not know what to do. Guess I’ll just hang out in the common room off the guesthouse I am staying in. Read my book, watch a movie, maybe go for a massage and some shopping and then see if there’s any good parties going on. Which there always is 🙂 Looks like another good day in Thailand yeah?!

I’ll keep you posted about my continueously changing of plans 😉

With love,

PS: I can while in Thailand be reached at the following number :+66890587013

Tor Erik: Sendte mamma en sms i dag sa hun kan jo ringe meg nar det passer om det var noe viktig 🙂 Samtidig kan du passe pa a gi henne nummeret til Madelene: +46730491544. Tror hun ville sende meg en julegave eller noe i den dur 🙂 Haper alt star bra til der hjemme, hils alle sa masse! Glad i deg!

Christine: I did not get your message no, but anyways, keep me posted about where you will be and when you will be there ok? We will for sure meet up somewhere befor you head back home :)Love you girl!

Mai Lan: How are you? Busy days in the office when I am not around? 😉 Do you have the number or email of Rod? I have tried to get a hold of Morten, the norwegian guy, but no luck yet. So would be great if you could send me Rods number as I am hoping to have some fun in Bangkok with them. Maybe find Bangkoks answer to Reza, hehe 😀 Take care and I’ll speak to you soon! Lots of hugs and kisses

Pia: Hade vore grymt kul om du hade varit har ja, manga minnen som dyker upp nu kan jag saga. Ser fram emot att komma ner till Koh Tao igen, lar bli hur bra som halst! Men jag utgar i fran att du snart ar pa resande fot sjalv, om inte annat far du komma upp til Ume o halsa pa nar jag kommer tillbaka till Sverige efter jul! Kram kram

Putri people: Needless to say that I miss hanging out with you guys, but I’ll see you all soon 😉 Simon – could you please email me the things that I wrote for you so I have them myself? Thanx! Lots of love to you all!

About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

2 kommentarer på Change of plans: the plan is to have no plan

  1. hmmm…høres godt ut med strand og soool.virker som dy er tusenmillionerti erfaringer rikere etter alt du opplever!kjempe bra!bli spennanes å få hør om dæ frå de på orntli en gå du kjæm te norge nåh,då.hihi. stoor klæm!

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