Life at the beach in Koh Samet

I had some wonderfull days since I left KL. Got to Koh Samet on monday night, a small island east of Bangkok, to see some friends of mine, Annika and Asa, which was great! I have been longing for so long to see some somewhat familiar faces, and for me Annika is kind of like meeting my mum so I had the feeling of being home there for a while 🙂

Anyways, Annika and Asa left to Bangkok yesterday and since then I have just been living a very comfortable and lazy beach life. Half sleeping and half awake watching and listening to the sound of the sea! I feel so so calm and relaxed, just what I needed for a few days! Per and Jakob are just walking around with a smirk on their faces, I think they have fallen in love with Thailand allready 🙂 I am not sure how long I will stay here, but so far untill friday at least. No further plans so far, but other places are waiting for me though 😉

I’ll keep you posted about my adventures and my where abouts. Untill then – just close your eyes and you will see me in my hammock at the beach, smiling and winking at you 😉

Lots of love to you all, T.

Bertil: Kul att du fortfarande hanger med mig pa mina aventyr! Ar i Thailand nu som du ”ser”, skont skont! Samtalen ventar pa oss bada vet jag 🙂 Tills vi ses igen Bertil!

Madde: Ja som du vet sa lider jag ju av separation-angest, hehe. Ser hamskt mycket fram emot att se dig igen, borjar narma sig nu!!! Har pratat lite med Keawta via mail, tankte dock ringa efter helgen. Vet iaf att dom kommer att bli valdigt, valdigt glada over att hora att vi kommer 😀 Skot om dig sa syns vi snart! Puss o kram PS: Nar aker du hit? Mamma skulle vilja skicka med dig nagot tror jag?! Jag ger henne ditt nr iaf!

Christoph: Thank you for cheering me up! And for sure I will see most people again sometime, but not so easy anyways as you know 🙂 How’s life back home by the way?
I’ll send you some pictures from my last days in KL, have been spending quite some time with Naguib and Sam as well, great fun! Take care and I’ll write an email to you sometime soon! Cheers 🙂

Naguib: I know how you felt, not so hard to tell was it? 😉 Anyways, thank you so so much for bringing me to the airport again and for making sure that I was safe and sound all the way! Big hugs 🙂

Christine: What to say huh? We’ll see eachother within a month girl! Enjoy your time in KL now and have lots of fun. Make sure you party some for me as well will you? 😉 Love you!!! Hugs n kisses

Hanna: Hanna, Hanna, Hanna…suck…ja du, kanns lite konstigt att inte kunde se dig och prata med dig nar jag kanner for det. Hoppas du har haft det bra i Thailand med dina kompisar, satsar pa att vi kanske ses innan jag aker hem till Sverige! Manga kramar

Anthony: Let me knwo when you and Marie have decided where to go in December. I can not promise I will be in Thailand at that time, but just maybe and then I will for sure meet you guys in order to have some nice days on the beach and some nicer parties 😉 Take care and keep in touch! Lots of love

Mamma: Ville bare informere om at jeg har sendt en pappeske full med klaer og sko hjem. Er dog ikke sikker pa at den kommer frem for jeg er hjemme men… og en ting til, har plassert meg i ko pa studentrom pa Alidhem, sa om jeg far et av dem hadde det vaert fint om du kanskje kunne dra a kikke pa det og kanskje fikse med nokkel og kontrakt om det lar seg gjore?! Elsker deg mamma! Puss o kram

UNHCR: I miss you guys, a lot! But must say I do enjoy having holidays 😉 My regards to everyone in the office!

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"Be the change you want to see in the world"

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