Where to start? Time is passing by quickly now as always, I am leaving KL in less than a week. So weird to think about and I do not feel ready for it at all. Still feel that there are plenty of things to be done and plenty of people to meet. So…yeah…weird…sad… for those of you who really know me I am sure you know what I mean, I hate farewells!!!
And talking about farewells, I had a pre-farewell party in my flat on friday. And I must say that it was a big success, so much people and so much fun. I took some 222 pictures during the party…hahahah, crazy! And half the people at the party I didn´t even know, but it was GREAT! We partied on untill all food and driks were gone, and after that we partied some more. Think I hit my bed at six in the monring and yesterday (that actually means today) I went to bed at 8:30 after watching a fantastic beautiful sunrise from the roof-top together with some friends.
And tonight I am sure it will be late again as I am planning to go to a concert at 8 and then out clubbing with Eason. It´s a hard life huh? 😀
And the week to come is already fully booked, so much to do and so many people to meet before I go. And also I will be working full time untill friday and have still a lot of work to in the office. I would really like to work a couple of more months, I like my job with the UNHCR. It is fulfilling in so many ways and it gives a meaning to it all, to why I am doing what I am doing. So I guess it is fair to say that I am more than happy with my internship and that I am already looking for a new one 🙂
Well, I do not have so much more to say. I rather tell you all when I see you again, and now Hanna is here waiting for me to finish so that we can grab some food. Breakfast that is and the time here is now 16:50 😀
Love you all!
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