Time is closing in on me…

Time is really closing in on me. I’ll be leaving my beloved KL in matter of weeks, 17 days to be exactly.
SEVENTEEN DAYS!!! Can you belive it? I am so NOT looking forward to leave KL and all the people here, F**K! It sucks leaving!!! And now things are really good here. I have gotten so much responsibility at work, doing lots of Resettlement Interviews and starting to get real good at it too! And I have so much fun after work together with my friends and all the people in Villa Putri, I could easily stayed here for another three months 😀 But at the same time I might want to finish my studies at some point before I do anything else… and I am looking forward to get back home to Sweden even if it doesn’t seem that way right now 😉

Well, so the Norwegians are here. Haven’t seen much of them yet to be honest, but they seem to be nice guys 🙂 They sure have a lot of work to do in a very short time, so no wonder they are busy, busy, busy. But we have agreed upon going out for dinner one of these days so that will be nice, aspecially as my norwegian feels a little bit rusty at the moment. And I am not talking to much swedish these days either. Me and Hanna are trying to meet up inbetween to talk some swedish to eachother, which is great cause sometimes I find it hard to find the right words for expressing how I feel and then I can just talk to Hanna about it. And also cause it’s great talking to ”one of your own” if you get what I mean? I guess you do though 🙂

Other than that life moves on. Tonight a bunch of us are going to a spanish restaurant to have some great food (I do hope thay have Paella) and maybe a glass of red wine and tomorrow another bunch of us are going to a Thai Seafood Restaurant and then to Reggae Bar again. On friday there is an international dinner party going on with a lot of interns from all over the world, so I have to cook some food to bring along. Do not knwo what to cook though, any suggestions? Has to be something quite typical norwegian or swedish that is easy to make! And on saturday I think I will be attending a party to one of the guys I met out clubbing during Hari Raya or I will be joining Hanna and some friends of hers to a theatre play up in Bangsar. We’ll see, not good to have to many plans is it?!

So anyways, I am still all OK. Happy and alive 😀
Miss you all!


About Trine 103 artiklar
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

3 kommentarer på Time is closing in on me…

  1. Hej!

    Ja inte är det lätt att säga hej då, men som tur var har du ju saker att se fram emot hemma i kalla Sverige! En burk surströmming tror jag skulle göra susen på internationella middagen. 🙂 Kramar

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