Paradise white-sandy beaches, clear-blue and warm water, sun-shine all day, snorkeling with turtles, sharks, stingrays and all other kinds of beautiful creatures whos residence is under water, excellent sea-food barbeque every night, cold beers on the balcony, reagge-music playing in the background, sun-tanned people with big smurkes on their faces, contentation, satisfaction, happiness, dreaming away at any time, no worries, no nothing, just being, just existing – it’s perfect.
I’ve had a perfect weekend in other words! And I could easily give up my entire life for this kind of living, at least for one year 🙂
I’ll post some pictures of paradise later on this week, I am sure you’ll understand what I mean then! 🙂
Love and miss you all as always!
Låter helt fantastiskt, skulle inte ens fundera på att stoppa en stortå i vattnet här. Brrr..