My head and mind are realy empty to day after being sick for the last two days. Been lying in my bed with fever and pain in all my bones. At one point I was suspecting it to be Dengue-fever as it’s very common here in the big cities, but today I am more or less back to normal 🙂
So I had a absolutly fantastic weekend together with my dear friend Victoria. It was so nice seeing her again, can’t belive it’s been a year since the last time we met. We spent most of the weekend relaxing; getting massage, watching movies, eating good food, drinking beers, watching the rain, shopping…you name it, it was good!
Victoria has now left to Cameron Highlands and I’ll be joining her at The Pherentian Islands for five days in the end of september. Can’t wait to get in the turquoise water, snorkel and lie on the beach all day…mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…
Well, got to go as I’m off from work now and need to fix a ride to the centralstation.
Love you and miss you all!
dengue är inte å leka med, fast mest bara jobbigt. Hoppas du mår bättre så det inte var något allvarligt!
njut av snorklingen, det ska jag i november!
Jeg har sendt deg mail. Bra at du har blitt frisk igjen. Det er litt skummelt å bli syk i utlandet. Klem fra Lise