To make sure you’ll have a successful day at work in the UNHCR office you’ll need one computer, one black pen, a bunch of paperclips, a stapler with plenty of staples in it, a highlighter in colour of own choiche, a tippex-pen, an angel like co-worker named Chae-Li who will help you, give you work at all times and who will answer all your stupid and all not-so-stupid questions and last, but not least, you need 3 guys working in your unit who will bring you out for good and cheap luch as they at the same time try to corrupt your mind, laugh at you and make sure you’re stomach is so full afterwards that you can bearly manage to sit down at your office-chair again when you return to the office! If you have all this you are bound to have a great and successful day at work 🙂
Love you!
Veldig artig å lese dagboken din. Gleder meg til å se bilder. Her er det kaldt og høst. Jobber med release av nye Johndoe og har det som vanlig hektisk. Ellers trives Even i den nye barnehagen og det er bra. Søndag skal vi på fest på Retro, som fyller 20 år. Jhnd skal spille der, vi skal drikke mange drinker. Love you!