Not writing often enough

I dont know why I´m not writing more often, I just dont feel like it.

I party a lot, maybe I would have more to write about if I went on trips and stuff. But I´m enjoying myself and thats the most important thing.

Today Ullis is coming to visit me. Seems like she is bringing the swedish summer though this morning is cold, only 22 degrees. The temperature doesnt get very high. It must be the coldest summer in years. But with cold I mean 27 degrees.

Well, so Ullis is coming. I havent seen her in 4,5 years. Such a long time. I cant believe it!!!! Its gonna be great, a lot of party though so we´ll have to see if my body keeps up with it.

Made some new contacts outside of school. I need that though Im planing on staying longer. I dont want to go back home. The hardest thing is to find people with my interests and music taste. It shouldnt be that hard, but with friends only going to nightclubs its difficult. I want rockbars and rockclubs and other alternative clubs, like the electroplace I went to last saturday with Julian, Marta and some other people. Julian is a guy from Argentina who I made friends with and Marta is his friend which Im probably gonna see again cause me and her switched numbers.

I have landry in the machine, and in 1,30 hours im going to school. Have to leave early today cause Im picking Ullis up at 14.30. Have to go by train to the airport but its allright, it only takes about 15 minutes.

No swedish version today. To lazy!


About Malin 284 artiklar
Man säger att hemma är där man har sitt hjärta. Mitt hjärta är i Thailand...

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