I´m gonna try to write some of the diarys here in english so even some of my international friends will be able to read. So this is the first one….
It´s only 15 days left now. I´m gonna arrive in Málaga on the 29th of May in the afternoon. I have reserved a bed at the hostel where I and Sören stayed in 2006 because it´s possible that I will not be able to move in to my room before the 1st of June. But that´s ok. I really like that hostel. The staff is amazing, the owner is hillarious and the suroundings are great.
I will recieve my student loan in a couple of days, I have ordered a new laptop and I´m gonna buy a new mobile phone (cell phone. I´m also gonna do my hair three days before I leave 🙂
My last weekend in Sweden it seems like gonna go to Trollhättan to party with some of the girls. It´s a shame that Anna L is about to have a baby (kidding) so she can´t drink wiiiiine with me!!!!
I´m nervous. But I guess that´s normal.
Pepa….I hope you read my diary now when it´s in english. I will absolute not try in spanish 😉
Obs!!! I´m gonna write a longer swedish version in the future and a shorter version in english.
Sofie, jag är glad att du kommenterar alls!!!!! 🙂