Intervju med Suvarna

Korta enkla intervjuer jag gjorde med människorna jag arbetade med!
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Observera att jag behållit engelskan dom använde och inte översatt till svenska för att det ska bli så mycket ”dom” som möjligt.


Name: Suvarna Gopalkrishna Naik (sekreterare)

Birthday: 13th of August (1986)

Siblings: 4 sisters

Hobbies: Listening music, collecting hindifilmsongs, stitching clothes, painting

Favourite subject in school: Hindi and maharati

Dreams about life: Stay happy, want to have good family

Future plans: Continue to work at PFA, working making stitching/clothes

Favourite food: Veg pulav

Favourite drink: Orange drink

Favourite song: All songs

What makes you angry: When somebody doesn’t talk to me

What makes you sad: When somebody doesn’t talk to me, when someone’s complaining very much about me

What makes you happy: Ice cream and making fun

Something you can’t live without: Food and this pen (som jag lånat och skriver med), Cello pin point.

What would you bring to a desert island: A good boy that understands me

Best thing that ever happened to you: 12th standard best in class at examination

Worst thing that ever happened to you: –

If you have one wish, what would that be: All people should be happy

Your best quality: Good at stitching

Your worst quality: Crying when criticized

Describe yourself: Sofia describe! Suvarna är den snällaste människan i världen. Väldigt ambitiös och hårt arbetande.

What do you think about Sofia: Good girl, funny, understands other’s feelings

What is it that you are proud of about Goa: Beautiful nature, touristplace, the beaches

How do you want your future husband to be like: He should understand my feelings, medium funny (haha) and taller than me

What is the meaning of life: Life is a gift which god has given.

About Sofia 98 artiklar
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